Photo by Tom Morris
About Brian Suda
Brian Suda is an informatician, which is definitely a real word and not just something he made up once. It is perfectly cromulent.
Brian lives and works in Reykjavík by way of Edinburgh by way of St. Louis. He’s been living in Iceland long enough that he can correctly pronounce Eyjafjallajökull. That’s quite an impressive party trick …unless the party is in Iceland.
Brian is a data hound, moving from project to project, always finding interesting ways to expose and represent the data exhaust of our network engine. He built one of the earliest microformats parsers and has written a book on Designing With Data.
Together with Aitor Garcia, Brian has formed Analog. Their first project involves the production of Kickstarter-funded notebooks beautifully embossed with geographical data.
At some point, he plans to graph all the world‘s baked goods on a hypercube of bread.